
In this tutorial, we will explore three different ways of installing Node.js and npm on Ubuntu 20.04:

If you don't already have a server. You can start off by ordering a Linux VPS


Step 1:

The installation is pretty straightforward. Run the following commands to update the package index and install Node.js and npm:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs npm

The command above will install a number of packages, including the tools necessary to compile and install native addons from npm.

Once done, verify the installation by running:

nodejs --version

Installing Node.js and npm from NodeSource:

NodeSource is a company focused on providing enterprise-grade Node support. It maintains an APT repository containing multiple Node.js versions. Use this repository if your application requires a specific version of Node.js.

At the time of writing, NodeSource repository provides the following versions:

  • v14.x - The latest stable version.
  • v13.x
  • v12.x - The latest LTS version.
  • v10.x - The previous LTS version.

We’ll install Node.js version 14.x:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

Once the NodeSource repository is enabled, install Node.js and npm:

sudo apt install nodejs

The nodejs package contains both the node and npm binaries.

Verify that the Node.js and npm were successfully installed by printing their versions:

node --version

To be able to compile native addons from npm you’ll need to install the development tools:

sudo apt install build-essential
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