What is an Android-Emulator?
An Android Emulator is used to mimic a specific device that runs on an Android operating system (OS). Android Emulators can help test applications on Android devices, to avoid any production defects.
How does an Android-Emulator Work?
An Android Emulator for PC replicates a browser or an Android App, on a defined operating system (like Windows, Mac). It attempts to create virtual hardware conditions of an Android device, which can be used for the purpose of testing and debugging.
There are multiple Android Emulators Online in the market like Bluestacks, Nox player and etc, which have their own set of limitations and will never provide a real device environment for bug-free testing.
Android Emulator for App Testing:
With an Android-Emulator Hosting, you can use a VPS server for running Android Apps. Debugging Android-Apps in real time and such. You can start off by ordering a vps for android emulator