How to backup a VPS?

Backing up your VPS is important. You can just ask anyone who has experienced data loss. Whether through an accident or failure. Here at PetroSky. We strongly recommend all customers to take a backup of their own servers at least once a week!

If you don't already have a server. You can start off by ordering a VPS here

Available Compression Methods:

LZO (Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer)
ZSTD (Zstandard)


We highly recommend Zstandard Compression Method because is it really fast and secure.

Available Modes for Backups.


  • Suspend Mode: This mode uses rsync to copy the container data to a temporary location (see option --tmpdir). Then the container is suspended and a second rsync copies changed files. After that, the container is started (resumed) again. This results in minimal downtime, but needs additional space to hold the container copy.
  • Snapshot ModeThis mode uses the snapshotting facilities of the underlying storage. First, the container will be suspended to ensure data consistency. A temporary snapshot of the container’s volumes will be made and the snapshot content will be archived in a tar file. Finally, the temporary snapshot is deleted again.
  • Stop ModeStop the container for the duration of the backup. This potentially results in a very long downtime

How to make a backup?

Step 1:
Login to your PetroSky Client Area.
Step 2:
Select the VPS you would like to backup. And go to 'Upgrade Options'
Step 3:
Toggle the  to Enable it (The price of the feature depends on the Plan.)
Step 4:
Once done. Go back to the Control Panel and Click on Backups
Step 5:
As for now. Hit 'New Backup'. You will be prompted to select a compression mode & backup mode.

Step 6:
Select the compression method & backup method then hit 'Confirm' button.
Step 7:
If you would like to automate the process of the backup. You can initiate the Backup Jobs feature to make a Backup during the specified time.
As for the screenshot below. This Backup Job will be creating a Backup each Monday at 14:00 (PM) - You can toggle the Email Notification if you would like to receive a notification when the Backup is made.
Once this is set up, your system will automatically create a backup automatically on the specified time. 
Finally. You can initiate up to four backups per week, with a maximum of one backup per day. When you reach the limit of 4 backups. The last (old) backup will replaced by the new one.
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